آخر الأخبار
شبوة.. إصابة طفلين بانفجار لغم من مخلفات الحوثيين الأكبر منذ 2015.. إيران تزيد من منحها الدراسية لعناصر مليشيا الحوثي تهديد "حوثي" للأطباء بعد تسرب وثائق تدينها بتهريب مبيدات مسرطنة تحالف حقوقي يوثق 127 انتهاكاً جسيماً بحق أطفال اليمن خلال أقل من عامين تشييع مهيب لجثمان الشيخ "الزنداني" في مدينة إسطنبول مسؤول حكومي: مليشيا الحوثي عمدت إلى إدخال المبيدات المسمومة والمسرطنة إلى اليمن الصحفي "المنصوري": المدعو (عبدالملك الحوثي) هو المتهم الأول والأخير في تعذيب المختطفين فرضاً لملازم الهالك حسين الحوثي.. قيادة جامعة صنعاء تهدد آلاف الطلاب بالحرمان من "التخرج" الحكومة اليمنية تدعو لتعاطي أممي جديد مع "تصعيد" الحوثيين علماء وهيئات إسلامية ينعون العلامة عبد المجيد الزنداني

People of Sanaa provides  100- truck convoy to support National Army in Nihm Front

Alasimaonline - Sana'a

الأحد, 30 سبتمبر, 2018 - 06:27 مساءً

The sons of the capital Sanaa provided on Saturday an aid convoy to support the National Army forces in Nihm front, eastern Sana'a.
The convoy consists of 100 vehicles containing clothing, food and medicine. It started in the morning from the city of Marib, with the participation of the Minister of State, Maj. Gen. Abdul Ghani Jamil, the Deputy Minister of Expatriates, Dr. Mohammed Al Adil, and a large number of the sons of the of the capital Sanaa.
Chief of Staff, Maj. Gen. Taher Al-Auqili delivered a speech in which he stressed that the convoy is the largest assistance provided by people of Sanaa to support the army forces in their war against Houthi coupist militia..
For his part, the Mayor of capital Sanaa, Maj. Gen. Abdul Ghani Jamil, praised the efforts of the Sanaa citizens in backing  the heroes of the army."The convoy will have great impact on the morale of the army heroes, who are sacrificing their lives for the homeland, its sovereignty and dignity," he said.
"Today the people of the capital Sanaa, who the Houthi militia forcibly displaced from their homes along with their women and children, are conducting such convoy to backup the national army in his battle against the criminal Houthi militia," he added..
Deputy Minister of Expatriates praised army's gains on the fronts, confirming readiness of Yemeni expatriates to conduct food convoys in support of the army troops..
Commander of Seventh Military Region Brig. Mohsen Al-Khabi with several military leaders, brigadiers and soldiers were in reception of that convoy..
Its worth mentioning that this convoy comes in conjunction with the celebration of Yemeni people on the 56th anniversary of of 26 September glorious revolution..

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