آخر الأخبار
وفاة وإصابة أكثر من 300 شخص في حوادث السير خلال الشهر الماضي مليشيات الحوثي تدفن نحو 50 من عناصرها خلال شهر فبراير صنعاء.. مليشيا الحوثي تلاحق ناشط في الجماعة انتقد فساد مشرفها بمديرية السبعين  بمناسبة حلول رمضان .. منظمات دولية تطالب الحوثيين بالإفراج عن موظفيها البنك المركزي يحذر من الإيداع لدى شركات الصرافة ويهدد المخالفين   مليشيا الحوثي تستغل "مرضى نفسيين" لرفد جبهاتها ومصادر تتحدث عن مقتل أحدهم في نهم الصحفي بلغيث: مليشيا الحوثي تضاعف معاناة المختطفين خلال رمضان بدعوى "التقرب إلى الله"  مسؤول حكومي يستنكر دور الأمم المتحدة تجاه موظفيها المختطفين في سجون الحوثيين  "بن مبارك" يوجه بتحسين الخدمات بالمحافظات ومراقبة الأسعار الحوثي "عامر" يفشل بإخراج موظفي الأمم المتحدة من سجون جماعته بصعدة 

Rights report documents Houthi militia's violations against capital Sana'a citizens' over November

Alasimaonline - Special report

الإثنين, 14 ديسمبر, 2020 - 06:51 مساءً

Al-Asemah Information Center issued Sunday human rights report documenting part of the Houthi militia violations against the people of the capital Sanaa, during past November 2020

.The report focused on three Houthi militia’s violations :1st dredging of the educational process

.2nd the confiscation of land and state property under a militia-sought plan aims to effect demographic change

.3rd abusing and blackmailing banks, private companies, shops and street vendors

.The report documented over 320 violations against female teachers, including threatening and interfering in their work by the so-called "Zeinbiat"

As a part of the militia's policy to make restrictions against female teachers and educational process it transferred a number of them to schools far from their homes

Also, more than 50 public and private schools were raided by militia's gunmen, while 16 private schools were closed a week after their administrations refused to pay levies under the pretext of Prophet's birthday celebrations

Since 9 months, the militia keep kidnapping the manager of Science and Technology University Professor Hamid Aqlan, despite the demands and demonstrations carried out by senior tribal and community figures, but the militia has not yet responded

About 220 law clerks in the capital Sanaa, have been arrested in Nov and dozens prosecuted, as part of its efforts to impose demographic change that serves its sectarian agenda

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