آخر الأخبار
مليشيات الحوثي تدفن نحو 50 من عناصرها خلال شهر فبراير صنعاء.. مليشيا الحوثي تلاحق ناشط في الجماعة انتقد فساد مشرفها بمديرية السبعين  بمناسبة حلول رمضان .. منظمات دولية تطالب الحوثيين بالإفراج عن موظفيها البنك المركزي يحذر من الإيداع لدى شركات الصرافة ويهدد المخالفين   مليشيا الحوثي تستغل "مرضى نفسيين" لرفد جبهاتها ومصادر تتحدث عن مقتل أحدهم في نهم الصحفي بلغيث: مليشيا الحوثي تضاعف معاناة المختطفين خلال رمضان بدعوى "التقرب إلى الله"  مسؤول حكومي يستنكر دور الأمم المتحدة تجاه موظفيها المختطفين في سجون الحوثيين  "بن مبارك" يوجه بتحسين الخدمات بالمحافظات ومراقبة الأسعار الحوثي "عامر" يفشل بإخراج موظفي الأمم المتحدة من سجون جماعته بصعدة  منتخب إب يتوج بطلاً لبطولة الوفاء لـ مأرب

In an SOS message, the people of Al-khamseen area western Sana'a demand to break Houthis militia's siege

Alasimaonline - special report

الاربعاء, 27 يوليو, 2022 - 07:38 مساءً

The people of Al-khamseen neighbourhood and parts of As-sunainah and Madbah neighbourhoods are under suffocating siege imposing by what so-called Houthis militia's military committee.
In a plea for help - alasimaonline received a copy of it, the residents demanded to open the crossings and arranging safe passage for them.
What made it so much worse is the damaging of homes by heavy precipitation which require an argent maintenance and renovation of the affected houses but the militia prevents the people to do so arguing that it is a military area.
In their message, the people affirmed the death and injuring some citizens including children by floods, in spite of that, the militia prevents people to hospitalize them. According the witnesses of the citizens that all these violations taking place within full view of so-called Abu Haider Gahaf, one of senior Houthis leaders and land plunderer.
Houthis militia's leader Gahaf is famous for his plundering and nationalizations of land and houses belonging to citizens of this area and others. The people held Gahaf responsibility Gahaf for looting the property of a number of housing societies.
In their message, the people indicated that Houthis senior leaders' directions and orders have issued to prevent that illegal acts, in addition to judicial decisions that have dealt with this issue in favour of people, but Gahaf didn't lift up his hand of the lands he confiscated or looted.
The people also added that Gahaf is trying to legalize his looting acts by arms force. But what's important to people at the moment is breaking the siege and they sent appeal to the humanitarian organizations, UN and the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen to save them.
The appeal message noted that Abu Haider Gahaf and his Houthis' military committee have been imposing a blockade against them, violating all divine and humanitarian laws and norms.

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