آخر الأخبار
مليشيات الحوثي تدفن نحو 50 من عناصرها خلال شهر فبراير صنعاء.. مليشيا الحوثي تلاحق ناشط في الجماعة انتقد فساد مشرفها بمديرية السبعين  بمناسبة حلول رمضان .. منظمات دولية تطالب الحوثيين بالإفراج عن موظفيها البنك المركزي يحذر من الإيداع لدى شركات الصرافة ويهدد المخالفين   مليشيا الحوثي تستغل "مرضى نفسيين" لرفد جبهاتها ومصادر تتحدث عن مقتل أحدهم في نهم الصحفي بلغيث: مليشيا الحوثي تضاعف معاناة المختطفين خلال رمضان بدعوى "التقرب إلى الله"  مسؤول حكومي يستنكر دور الأمم المتحدة تجاه موظفيها المختطفين في سجون الحوثيين  "بن مبارك" يوجه بتحسين الخدمات بالمحافظات ومراقبة الأسعار الحوثي "عامر" يفشل بإخراج موظفي الأمم المتحدة من سجون جماعته بصعدة  منتخب إب يتوج بطلاً لبطولة الوفاء لـ مأرب

The people of Al Erah village guard their land from Houthis militia

Alasimaonline - Special Report 

الثلاثاء, 16 أغسطس, 2022 - 07:59 مساءً

        For several weeks, Houthis terrorist militia keeps on imposing blockade of Al Erah village of Hamdan district of Sana'a trying to rob the people's land by force of arms. It should be noted that waht so-called Houthis' Martyr Foundation has built a wall around an area of 1,500 Libnah in the area of Mikhlabah despite a court ruling proving people's ownership of this land.
         As the people are going on resisting the imposed siege and defending their lands, Houthis militia reinforce its combatants with armoured vehicles and put up checkpoints at the entrances of the populous village which the people rejected.
          At the same time, Houthis militants have commenced the acts of repression and intimidation against the people of the village including women and children, kidnapping each person leaving his home. About 46 people were kidnapped and had been imprisoned in addition to preventing families from visiting their injured relatives.
         Last Saturday during a meeting with Hamdan Sheikhs in As-sabee'n Squire, Houthis leader who so-called Abdulbasit Al Hadi, Sana'a Governor, assaulted them aiming at insulting them.
         Local sources stated that Houthis leader Al Hadi refused the court rule which proves Al Erah people's ownership of this land. He has insisted on keeping the military campaign sieging the village besides his requirements to rebuild the wall of the land by the village's people in order to release the abductees.
       On Friday morning, a Houthis campaign consisting of dozens of vehicles and armoured vehicles dispersed the peaceful sit-in using firing live ammunition and tear gas resulted in injuring a number of people, kidnapping others, plundering 15 cars and taking over their lands.

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