آخر الأخبار
المبعوث الأممي يدين بشدة حملة الاختطافات الحوثية بحق موظفي الأمم المتحدة بصنعاء الارياني يدين الإجراءات الحوثية بحق الإعلامية "سحر الخولاني" وعائلاتها بصنعاء "نقابة الصحفيين" تطالب بالإفراج الفوري عن "المياحي" وترفض الإجراءات الحوثية بحقه ثائر اللوزي.. أردني أسره حب الأقصى وحرره صمود غزة قوات الجيش تحبط محاولتي تسلل لمليشيا الحوثي في تعز مقاومة صنعاء تدعو مجلس القيادة لاستكمال معركة استعادة الدولة الحكومة تدين اختطاف 13 من موظفي الأمم المتحدة بصنعاء صنعاء.. احتجاجات في هيئة المواصفات والجودة رفضا لسياسة التمييز المناطقية "انجاز استراتيجي".. سخرية مستمرة من الاحتفال الحوثي الباذخ بافتتاح نافورة وسط صنعاء وزير النقل يدعو التجار والخطوط الملاحية إلى تسيير رحلاتها للموانئ المحررة

Statement of condemnation and condolences on the assassination crime of Mohammed al-Shujaina, Director of CSSW in Aden Governorate

Alasimaonline - Sana'a

الاربعاء, 03 أكتوبر, 2018 - 04:59 مساءً


Condemnation and denunciation
The Charitable Society for Social Welfare (CSSW) condemns and denounces the assassination of Mohammed al-Shujaina, director of CSSW in Aden branch, who was kidnapped on Tuesday 2 October 2018 by an armed group while he was heading for his place of work and taken to an unknown destination. He was found tied up and killed inside his car in the Abyan Coast area of ??Aden governorate.
Assassination crime … targets humanitarian and voluntary work
We in CSSW, while condemning this crime, we consider all harassment, incitement, detention and murder against its employees to be contrary to international laws and conventions. Such criminal acts aim primarily to undermine the humanitarian, relief and voluntary work of various humanitarian institutions and organizations under difficult security and economic situations in Yemen..
CSSW also affirms that it will continue to provide its services through its various developmental, relief and social programs and projects to all needy and deprived people of all the Yemen’s population without any selectivity or discrimination.
Holding responsibility
CSSW, while condemning and denouncing this crime, it calls upon the government and the competent security authorities in Aden governorate to assume their full security responsibility in pursuing and arresting the perpetrators and bring them to justice. CSSW affirms its adherence to its legal right to demand that the perpetrators be brought to justice.
CSSW will also issue successive press releases in the coming days to share with the public any updated information on the issue.
A call for condemnation and solidarity
As an active humanitarian organization in Yemen that works under the supervision and control of the competent official bodies, CSSW calls upon all the United Nations agencies, and local and international humanitarian organizations to denounce this criminal behavior and calls upon them to issue statements of solidarity with CSSW and its staff.
Issued by:
Charitable Society for Social Welfare (CSSW)
CSSW - Yemen
2 October 2018

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