آخر الأخبار
المبعوث الأممي يدين بشدة حملة الاختطافات الحوثية بحق موظفي الأمم المتحدة بصنعاء الارياني يدين الإجراءات الحوثية بحق الإعلامية "سحر الخولاني" وعائلاتها بصنعاء "نقابة الصحفيين" تطالب بالإفراج الفوري عن "المياحي" وترفض الإجراءات الحوثية بحقه ثائر اللوزي.. أردني أسره حب الأقصى وحرره صمود غزة قوات الجيش تحبط محاولتي تسلل لمليشيا الحوثي في تعز مقاومة صنعاء تدعو مجلس القيادة لاستكمال معركة استعادة الدولة الحكومة تدين اختطاف 13 من موظفي الأمم المتحدة بصنعاء صنعاء.. احتجاجات في هيئة المواصفات والجودة رفضا لسياسة التمييز المناطقية "انجاز استراتيجي".. سخرية مستمرة من الاحتفال الحوثي الباذخ بافتتاح نافورة وسط صنعاء وزير النقل يدعو التجار والخطوط الملاحية إلى تسيير رحلاتها للموانئ المحررة

 Houthis commit 3115 violations in Sana'a in 2018


السبت, 02 فبراير, 2019 - 07:12 مساءً

Human Rights Office in Sana'a and Al-Asema Media center have documented that Houthi militia  committed  (3115) violations against civilians in ten districts of  the capital Sana'a during 2108 .
The Directorates are ( al-Sabeen, al-Wahda, Ma'een, al-Tahrir, al-Thawra, al-Safeya, Bani-Alhareth, Shu'oob , Azal and Old Sana'a).
The militia's abuses included killing, injuries, enforced disappearances, torture, child recruitment, job dismissals, attacking peaceful protests, intimidating population, selling aid relief, creating economic crisis, manipulating prices, hiding fuels and cooking gas, imposing illegal levies, attacking puplic and private    property, forced displacement and others.
The Houthi militia killed 59 civilians including 4 children and 4 women, and wounded 53 civilians among them 10  children and 9 women.

 The wounded were verified by our team
The monitoring team recorded that Houthis militia also abducted 394 cases in all the above-mentioned directorates but Old Sana'a, including 8 children and 32 girls women and 2 elderly..
143 abductees in Sana'a were brutally and tortured severely mistreated inside Houthi prisons during 2018, as result seven of them were murdered under tortured. While the whereabouts of 27 others abductees still unknown until the report writing. So they are being referred to as enforced disappeared in the report.
The team monitored 455 cases of child soldiers under 18, recruited by the Houthi-affiliated committees of Mobilization and Recruitment in the capital Sana'a within the same period..
The children were recruited from Sana'a schools, houses of care, sport and cultural clubs and residential neighborhoods through theocratic campaigns led by Hamood Aubad in the capital minor in the coup's government, militia  supervisors, school principals, directors of Educational offices and others..
The monitoring team verified that Houthi group attacked 172 public institutions; 59 educational facilities, 11 health facilities, 39  places of Worship, 7 Tourist Attractions and 3 premises of local and international organizations.
The militiacaptured those institutions and turned them into prisons and resistance for the militiamen or almost into military barracks, in addition to looting and destroying them.
Houthi rebels also assaulted and looted 137 private institutions
including 44 residential ones and 74 commercials, while rest figure divided among facilities that are also private-own property. Some of these properties were transferred by the milita into military sits for its militants and others were stormed and stolen..
Note: this was the Executive Summary of the "Bitter Harvest" Human Rights Report on Houhi militia's violations against civilians in the capital Sana'a during 2018..

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